Rebekah's Haven is completely funded through the local community, businesses, & churches. Please help us by providing for the daily financial need necessary to care for those who come for help!
Located at 122 20th St., Toledo, this shelter from the storms of life offers a safe haven for mothers with their small children. (Rebekah's Haven is not set up to accommodate intact families of any persuasion.) The women may stay in during the day with their children while they get their lives in order and seek to find permanent housing. Moms are able to take part in the Footprints Program offered by Rebekah’s Haven. Footprints is a program designed to help set mom up for success by offering educational connections, life-skills classes, and mentoring programs in the area of her choosing. Most of the children are preschoolers, however, many early elementary students have started the school attendance from Rebekah's Haven. TPS school buses pick them up and bring them home. Making these children feel safe and secure in the midst of a crisis is our goal. The children enjoy the fenced-in playground with swings and slides that it provides. We celebrate birthdays & holidays with the children as any family would do. These women and children are not planning to be homeless. Often they leave their homes with the clothes on their backs or what they can carry in a small bag. They have no idea where to go for help. The staff at Rebekah's Haven are able to give them referrals to other local agencies for things like housing and transportation, as well as dental, legal, and health services. Not re-inventing the wheel, we work with partnering and existing agencies that are already in place and functioning in the downtown area. Mothers in need of shelter can call 419-243-0403 and speak to a member of the Rebekah’s Haven staff.